Clueless: Cher’s Skirt Set

Worn By: Alicia Silverstone
Year: 1995
Value: Unknown

As if! Very few outfits are as iconic as the skirt suit set that Alicia Silverstone wore on the set of the teen movie Clueless. Clueless was on-point, fashion-wise, and even decades later, there isn’t a bad outfit in the bunch. The film helped launch Silverstone’s career, but where is the skirt suit now?

Sadly, the yellow set is missing, as Alicia Silverstone gave away outfits from the movie. The actress said she was “stupid” about saving them, saying she “gave them all away.” As Clueless says, that was way harsh, Alicia. There’s no telling where the set is now, though fans of the movie would love to see it make a reappearance.
