Chelsea Noble | Growing Pains

For sure, Chelsea Noble has captured the heart of his Growing Pains co-star Kirk Cameron. Interestingly, in many movies where Cameron had to kiss someone, he would ask the director to replace that actress with Noble because he refused to kiss another woman other than his wife. He most likely asked his lawyer to include that clause in all his contracts. Noble must be pleased about this arrangement.

The actress herself has had a relatively successful career, having appeared in a number of movies like Left Behind: The Movie and a reprisal of her role in Growing Pains: Return of the Seavers. She is best remembered for Growing Pains. In real life, she also experienced some growing pains, having to take care of all their six children. One reason why Noble did not become active anymore was for her to ensure that all the kids are taken care of. She did a good job, don’t you think?
