
The legend of Bigfoot is about a mysterious hairy creature who makes giant footprints every time he walks around. It’s often described as large, muscular, bipedal ape-like creature. Rumors have been circulating that back when North America was still uninhabited, this creature was a prominent figure around the woods. There were a lot of people across America who made allegations that they saw Bigfoot. Clear camera footage of the creature is yet to be surfaced.

Nobody has been given credit for giving a crystal clear photograph of Bigfoot since most of the photos that circulated are incredibly blurry which is not enough to be conclusive evidences. A Bigfoot hunter by the name of Rick Dyer shared claims that he captured the hairy mystery. Eventually, the jig was up for Dyer since it was revealed that the bigfoot he “captured” was a prop made out of craft store materials.
