11.The Taos Hum

A town in New Mexico called Taos had been the residence of famous folks like Dennis Hopper, D.H Lawrence, Aldous Huxley, Donald Rumsfeld, and Julia Roberts. This town is given credit for its artistic ambiance and relaxing vibe. The only odd thing about this place is the existence of a hum called the Taos Hum. It’s a persistent and invasive low-frequency humming, rumbling, or droning noise and not audible to all people.

Various theories suggest that the origins of the mysterious hum is the government, extraterrestrial minds, or paranormal activities. This hum is beyond mysterious because it is, to some degree, downright creepy. The hums were initially reported in the 90s by locals. There were academic researchers that have been looking into the odd phenomenon. No one can really identify the origin of the hums. Tests have been conducted but the answer remains a mystery.
